Steps To Reduce Your Refrigerator Energy Usage And Cost

10 Steps To Reduce Your Refrigerator Energy Usage And Cost

Aiming to trim the fat from our energy expenses, we frequently forget about one sneaky power hog—the refrigerator. We hustle to flick off lights, fans, and the A/C without a second thought. Yet, the fridge? It keeps chugging day and night, constantly munching on electricity. Well, good news for you! Even if you keep using…


Can You Use The Fridge-N-Freezer Baking Soda For Cooking?

Ever get regular baking soda confused with the Fridge-N-Freezer kind? You’re in good company! The special variety kicks odors to the curb in your freezer, while the standard kind makes sure your baked goods puff up just right. So the answer is no, we don’t recommend using the Fridge-N-Freezer baking soda for cooking or using…


Why is there no light in the freezer but has light in the refrigerator?

Walking through darkness is a challenge, isn’t it? Thus, when the lights turn off, we reach for a flashlight. Imagine this: a craving for chips strikes you at midnight, but it’s as dark as a cave. Similarly, there is a light in the fridge to easily find and pick out our favorite food without struggling…


Why are dead fruit flies and gnats in my refrigerator and freezer?

Stumbling upon **dead fruit flies** and **gnats** in your fridge is yucky and a hint they’ve been pigging out on old produce. These tiny bugs adore feasting on stuff that’s no good anymore. So, why should you care? Imagine opening your fridge and finding these uninvited critters have thrown a feast with your spoiled snacks….