Why is My Samsung Fridge Making Vibrating Noise? (10 Fixes!)

It’s common for a Samsung refrigerator to produce a low humming or vibrating noise when the compressor is running or the ice maker is filling up.

However, if the vibration becomes excessively loud and disruptive, it raises concerns. So, why is your Samsung fridge making such a loud vibrating noise?

There are several possible reasons for a loud vibrating noise in your Samsung refrigerator. It could be due to an uneven surface on which the fridge is placed, inadequate clearance around the appliance, loose components or parts, insufficient items inside the fridge, misaligned doors, obstructed fan blades, dirty condenser coils, or faulty components such as the compressor, ice maker, or evaporator fan.

While low-level vibrations are typically normal and expected during the fridge’s operation, it’s important not to ignore loud vibrations. It’s crucial to be able to distinguish between normal and unusual vibrations and take appropriate action.

To help you differentiate between the two and address any issues, let’s delve into normal versus abnormal vibrations and explore potential solutions for the latter.

Let’s get started!

Troubleshooting (Quick Guide)

Probable CauseFix
Unleveled FloorMove your refrigerator to a leveled ground. Alternatively, adjust its leg leveler
Lack of ClearanceLeave at least 50 mm around the fridge and 25 mm from its top
Loose Parts InsideTighten or remove any loose parts or content in your refrigerator
Fridge UnderstockingStock your refrigerator well; about ¾ full, but don’t overstock
Improperly Aligned DoorProperly realign your fridge and freezer door and replace their base grill
Obstructed Fan BladeRemove any obstruction along the fan blade’s path and replace the blade if it’s damaged
Dusty Condenser CoilsVacuum or brush off the dirty condenser coils
Bad CompressorReplace the compressor if it’s too loud or malfunctioning
Defective Ice MakerReplace the ice maker if it proves to malfunction
Faulty Evaporator FanReplace the faulty evaporator fan

Resolving Vibrating Noise in Your Samsung Refrigerator

It’s important to differentiate between normal and abnormal vibrations when it comes to Samsung refrigerators. Let’s break them down and understand their causes:

Normal Samsung Fridge Vibrating Noise Under normal conditions, a Samsung fridge will produce a low-pitched vibration noise, which is often subtle and may go unnoticed unless you listen closely.

Here are the typical situations where you can expect normal vibrations in a Samsung fridge:

  1. Cooling due to the compressor working – The compressor, responsible for cooling, will cause some vibration during operation. However, unless the vibration is excessively loud, there is usually no cause for concern.
  2. Ice maker filling up with water – When the ice maker is filling up with water, it may produce a vibration sound. Once the filling is complete, the vibration should cease. If it persists, further investigation may be necessary.
  3. Auger motor running – The auger motor, responsible for ice dispensing, may generate a vibration sound while in operation. However, if the sound becomes overwhelmingly loud, it could indicate an issue.

Why Does My Samsung Fridge Make a Vibrating Noise Abnormal Samsung Fridge Vibrating Noise 

If your Samsung fridge is producing a strong or loud vibrating noise, it suggests a problem that requires attention. Let’s explore the potential causes behind abnormal vibrations.

Unlevelled floor  

If your Samsung fridge is not placed on a level surface, it may vibrate loudly. This can be exacerbated if the fridge is not adequately stocked or if there are loose trays inside. Ensuring the fridge’s feet are properly levelled can provide stability during operation.

Fix: Check the floor on which your Samsung refrigerator is placed and ensure it is level. Adjust the legs or move the fridge if necessary.

Insufficient clearance around the fridge 

If there isn’t enough space around and on top of your Samsung fridge, it may come into contact with surrounding objects, causing rattling and vibration during operation. The closer the objects are to the fridge, the more pronounced the vibration may be.

Fix: Maintain a clearance of at least 50mm on the sides of the fridge and approximately 25mm or more from the top to prevent rattling and vibration.

Loose parts (or contents) inside the fridge 

Loose components such as trays and bins, as well as improperly secured food containers, can create vibrations and rattling noises when the fridge is running. These loose items may collide with each other or the inner walls of the fridge, causing vibration.

Fix: Inspect the interior of your refrigerator and secure any loose parts. Ensure food containers are properly positioned to prevent shaking during operation.

Fridge understocking 

If your fridge is understocked with food items, containers and contents may shift and move around during operation. This can lead to items rubbing against each other and the fridge’s inner walls, resulting in a vibrating noise.

Fix: Properly stock your refrigerator, aiming for approximately ¾ full capacity to prevent excessive movement of containers and items.

Improperly aligned door 

A fridge or freezer door that is not properly aligned can cause the fridge to vibrate loudly during operation. This can occur if one door is higher or lower than the other.

Fix: Check the alignment of your fridge and freezer doors. If they appear mismatched, use a screwdriver to adjust them. Replacing the base grill may also be necessary to address the issue.

Obstructed fan blade 

The condenser fan plays a crucial role in circulating cold air within the fridge. If there are obstructions such as ice buildup or debris on the fan blades, it can generate a vibrating sound.

Fix: Inspect the condenser fan blades for any obstructions and remove them. If the fan blades appear damaged, consider replacing the fan.

Dusty condenser coils 

The condenser coils, located at the rear of the fridge, facilitate the flow of coolant/refrigerant. Over time, these coils can become dirty or dusty, impeding the flow and causing the motors to work harder, resulting in vibration or buzzing sounds.

Fix: Examine the condenser coils and vacuum them if they are dirty. A fridge condenser brush can also be used to clean the coils.

Faulty compressor 

While a low vibration during compressor operation is normal, a significantly loud vibration could indicate a problem. This may be accompanied by improper cooling performance.

Fix: Pay attention to the noise produced by the compressor. If it is excessively loud, it may indicate a faulty compressor that needs to be replaced.

Defective ice maker 

If your ice maker continues to produce a vibrating sound even after it has finished filling up, it may be defective. Disconnect the fridge and inspect for loose wiring, damage, or disconnections.

Fix: Ice maker servicing or replacement should be handled by a professional Samsung refrigerator technician. They can diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

Faulty evaporator fan 

A faulty evaporator fan can not only affect the cooling system of the fridge but also generate a vibrating sound during operation. In addition to poor cooling performance, you may experience a buzzing or vibrating noise.

Fix: If your fridge is abnormally warm and the evaporator fan is noisy, it is likely faulty and should be replaced.

Samsung Fridge Freezer Making Vibrating Noise 

A Samsung fridge freezer may produce vibrations during normal operation, particularly when the compressor is running. However, if the vibration is excessively loud, consider the following potential causes:

  1. Unlevelled surface – If the fridge freezer is not placed on a level surface, it can result in loud vibrations. Understocking the freezer can also contribute to increased vibration. Ensuring proper levelling and stocking can mitigate the issue.
  2. Insufficient clearance – Lack of adequate space around the fridge freezer can lead to contact with other objects, resulting in vibration.
  3. Malfunctioning compressor – If the compressor is faulty, it may cause loud vibrations and improper cooling.
  4. Obstructed fan blades – Obstructions on the fan blades, such as ice accumulation, can create vibrating noises.

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Why Is My Refrigerator Making a Vibrating Noise? 

Refrigerators often produce a low vibrating sound during normal operation, such as when the compressor is running or the ice maker is filling up. However, if the vibration is loud, it could be due to various factors:

  • Unleveled floor: An uneven surface can cause the refrigerator to vibrate loudly. Leveling the legs or the surface it rests on can help reduce the vibration.
  • Improperly aligned door: If the refrigerator or freezer door is misaligned, it can lead to vibrations. Ensuring proper alignment of the door can alleviate this issue.
  • Obstructed fan blade: A fan blade obstructed by debris or ice can generate vibration. Clearing any obstructions will resolve the problem.
  • Food understocking: Insufficient items inside the refrigerator can cause containers to shift and produce vibration. Properly stocking the refrigerator can minimize this issue.
  • Lack of clearance: If there isn’t enough space around the refrigerator, it may vibrate against nearby objects. Creating sufficient clearance will mitigate the vibration.

How Do You Fix a Vibrating Refrigerator? 

To address a vibrating refrigerator, consider the following solutions:

  • Leveling: Ensure the refrigerator is resting on a level surface by adjusting its legs or the floor it sits on.
  • Absorption: Place a vibration-absorbing mat underneath the refrigerator to minimize vibrations.
  • Secure loose objects: Check inside the refrigerator for any loose objects and secure them to prevent rattling and vibration.
  • Create clearance: Provide adequate space around the refrigerator, allowing it to operate without contacting nearby objects.
  • Soundproofing: Apply soundproofing materials or insulation to reduce vibration noise.
  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the condenser coils and other moving parts to ensure smooth operation and minimize vibrations.

Why Is My Samsung Fridge Making a Loud Buzzing Noise? 

A loud buzzing noise from your Samsung fridge typically indicates an issue. Possible causes include:

  • Something rubbing against the inner or outer walls: Check for any objects or components that may be coming into contact with the fridge’s walls and causing the buzzing sound.
  • Faulty compressor or fan: A malfunctioning compressor or fan can produce loud buzzing noises. In such cases, professional assistance may be required to diagnose and repair the problem.

Why Is My Samsung Fridge Freezer Making a Noise? 

If your Samsung fridge freezer is making noise, it could be due to several reasons:

  • Unleveled floor or contact with nearby objects: Ensure the fridge freezer is on a level surface and has sufficient clearance to prevent vibrations against surrounding objects.
  • Malfunctioning compressor or evaporator fan: A faulty compressor or evaporator fan can generate noise during operation. Professional inspection and repair may be necessary to resolve these issues.


It’s crucial to differentiate between normal refrigerator vibrations and unusual vibrations. While normal vibrations are generally harmless, abnormal vibrations should be addressed.

By following the provided guidance, you can effectively resolve strange noises and vibrations in your Samsung refrigerator, ensuring a quiet and efficient appliance.

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