Does Progresso Soup Expire or Go Bad?

Progresso soup hits the spot every time, making it a favorite for many. Pondering stocking up on Progresso for your pantry? With life throwing curveballs left and right, having a bunch of food on hand is clever thinking. Ready to load up your shelves with Progresso soup?

Most of you know that canned soups have an incredibly long shelf life, but just how long will Progresso soup last past its expiry date?

In this article, we explore the truth about Progresso soup and if it can be stored for a long time with confidence. We will answer many frequently asked questions, so you have the answers needed to buy Progresso soup with confidence.

Let’s get into it.

Does Progresso soup expire? 

It depends. If the soup is high in acidity, it may not last as long as you think. According to the USDA, canned soups should be consumed within 18 months of the purchase date.

This contradicts much of the information you can find online, but is it true?

Select soups that are not acidic such as vegetable and meat soups with noodles. These soups have a low ph level and will last an incredibly long time if stored correctly.

It is suggested the progression soup can last indefinitely, and after twenty years, it is perfect for eating.

There are some caveats. The can must be in good condition. Leaks are visible along the label. If the can has leaks, then throw it in the garbage.

If the can of soup is bulging, assume the contents are bad and discard the can immediately.

Dented soup cans are potentially hazardous, and the dents may have caused a hairline crack in the seams and allowed bacteria into the can spoiling the soup.

If all of the above are in good order and you open the can of Progresso soup and soup spurts out, consider the soup bad.

Is it OK to eat expired Progresso soup?

The expiry date on a can of Progresso soup is the same as the best before date. It does not mean the soup has expired and needs to be thrown away. According to some people, Progresso soup has a long shelf life and can last many years, if not indefinitely.

If your expiration date passed six months ago, you could be confident the soup is perfect for eating. If the soup was ten years past the expiry date, you could expect the product to have started to degrade.

Expiry dates indicate that the quality of soup is best before the date shown, and there may be subtle changes in the soup after this date. Subtle changes can be a slight alteration to the flavor that you may not even notice, or if the soup has veggies or meat, the texture of the ingredient could also have changed.

Rest assured, if the can of Progresso soup is in good condition, the contents of the can are ok to eat.

Can I eat 2-year expired Progresso canned soup?

In most cases, the answer is a resounding yes, but you must take some precautions and examine the can. If you see rust, bulging, or dents, this could indicate that the soup is bad, and you should discard the soup and can immediately.

Expired food does degrade over time, but canned foods such as Progresso soup will last many years without degrading.

Is Progresso soup full of preservatives to extend its shelf life?

No, the canning process is enough to preserve the soup for a long time, Progresso is a very wholesome soup, and the company is ethical in not using preservatives. It’s an all-natural product that is canned and ready to be consumed.

It’s hard to believe with the delicious flavor range of Progresso soups that artificial flavoring is not enhancing the flavor profile, but the fact speaks for itself. There is nothing more than pure goodness in Progresso soups.

There is less sodium than many soups, and no added MSG exists. Even though soy sauce, tomato extract, and yeast extract all naturally contain some MSG, we don’t add any more.

Delicious tastes in Progresso soups originate from premium ingredients, and they are made without trans fat, partly hydrogenated oil, or high fructose corn syrup.

In addition, Progresso has a policy not to use products that contain antibiotics or hormones in their chicken soup. No GMO. Gluten-free. And much more.

Does Progresso soup contain BPA?

Before the answer, it is essential to set a baseline for comparison with other products. BPA is a serious subject. 

Approximately 95% of food cans are being produced using other coatings or polymers rather than BPA-based linings, according to the Can Manufacturers Institute. According to the trade association, linings are now commonly produced from olefin polymers or non-BPA acrylic or polyester epoxies.

Progresso soups have a committed transition plan to abandon BPA in their caned production that is in progress/

How do I know if my canned food has BPA?

The number that generally appears on the bottom of plastic packaging and designates the type of plastic has been added as the resin code. Products that start with the number 7 may have been manufactured with BPA.

How can you tell if Progresso canned soup is bad?

There are always tell-tale signs that a canned soup has gone bad. You must start with a visual inspection of the can when dealing with expired canned soup. 

Bad soup in a sealed can gives off a gas which is a byproduct of the bacteria load in the can, and The can may start to bulge visibly. If the can bulges, it may split a seam slightly, and you will have rust developing around the seals on the can. If this is, you can throw it in the garbage and start again.

If the can has not bulged but contains gas, you will have a spurt of soup when you open the can, and the gas escapes. The gas is likely to smell foul. But let us assume you have a blocked nose, and you continue.

The soup will be discolored and may be brown or even green in color, and you may see mold growing on the surface of the soup. It is definitely bad and should be thrown away.

Never buy cans that are dented. It’s a big no; the dent may seem innocuous, but it may have split, one of the many  seams to allow bacteria to flow into the soup. It’s a recipe for disaster.

If the soup smells or looks funky, it should be thrown in the garbage.

How long does an open can of Progresso soup last?

Once the can has been opened, the expiration date no longer applies to the soup; you should consume it within one to four days and keep it in the fridge.

The air around us is full of bacteria and organisms that we can fight off, but once they invade the soup, the clock is ticking before it turns bad and becomes inedible.

Even in the fridge, Progresso soup has a short life when opened, so don’t be confident your soup will sit around indefinitely because it will not.

Can you freeze Progresso soup?

Yes, if you have leftovers and are thrifty-minded, then freezing Progresso soup is a great way to keep the soup for another meal, and it can be stored for a long time, like six months, without degrading or losing quality in the freezer.

There are many people who use progress soups as the base of the meal, and they add more ingredients to enhance the soup to make a filling family meal.

To freeze Progresso soup, you can make potions in sealable plastic bags or store the cool contents of the pan in one airtight plastic freezer container.

When you want to thaw the Progresso soup, you can place it in a microwave and cook from frozen for a speedy meal solution, or better still, place the soup container in the fridge overnight and let it slowly thaw.

Will Progresso soup go bad in the freezer?

As a rule of thumb, if soup in the freezer is constantly frozen, it will keep indefinitely. According to the FDA and USDA, even if it has a freezer burn, it is still safe to eat.

Final thoughts

Does Progresso soup expire or go bad? While it is in the can that is not damaged, it will last for at least five years and longer and still be great to eat.

Canning does not allow bacteria into the can, so logically, the Progress soup should last indefinitely, but the truth is the contents of the can will start to lose some of the texture and flair profile, becoming bland.

There are videos from preppers online that are eating Progresso soup two years after its expiry date, and they say it is absolutely delicious, as good as a fresh can of Progresso soup.

Of course, Progresso is a premium soup, only using top-quality fresh ingredients in soups that help with the product’s longevity.

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